Saturday, December 29, 2007


I just have one. My husband. He just came home from buying groceries and was so excited to share his find. I mean REALLY excited. What was it you ask that could bring my husband such joy? All in one 'Hair and Body Wash.' NO. Im not kidding you. One bottle just solved all of his hygiene problems. I think if it was minty fresh he might just pour it on his toothbrush. Sheesh. I do love him though! But I'm really glad I'm a girl. :)


shanna said... can NOT go 16 days without blogging anymore :) Jerome makes me buy the really good shampoo and conditioner...well as good as you get at Wal-Mart...but this is the same man that has had me do his hair every morning before work for 9 years :)

ArchibaldFive said...

Neil wants the detials.... just kidding!!! LOL!!!

Christie Man said...

That is so funny! Derek has always just used a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner and thought if it's good enough to clean my hair then it's good enough to clean my body. Men are hairy anyway...Why wouldn't it work everywhere? LOL
Actually when you think about it all of us have hair all over...even if it is just peach fuzz...still hair! Product companies are just trying to steal all our money. I bet we could buy one product and just use it for everything. Look at all the uses for hydrogen peroxide. HEE HEE

HomeSchool Mommy said...

How funny!

Robin Meadows said...

This is so funny! Aren't guys funny? I saw a man the other night in Penn Square parking lot taking a leak outside his truck door. Seriously! Everything was covered---but STILL! My husband's comment? "When you've gotta go, you've gotta go!"

Jenny-K said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! At least he doesn't use YOUR deodorant...or does he?