Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I've discovered how important trust is. Again. It's one of the many things you don't miss until its gone. My life experencies have not provided a very good place for a strong level of trust to take root, but the last several years God has done a work in my heart and in my circumstances that has allowed me to open the doors of my heart a little bit wider. But every so often an earthquake causes my heart to tremble and slam those doors back shut. Thankfully, He has trained me over time to come to Him and accept His strength to trust again, more quickly each time....but a stab to the heart still hurts no matter how quickly it heals.

My tendency is of course to not trust again...to run and hide and quickly build that wall back up around my heart before returning as a functioning part of society. But He won't let me. He reminds me that to love Him is to love others....And to trust Him is to trust others. Yes, we are wise to set bounderies so that we do not enable the offender to hurt us continually, but when the one who has hurt you is truly repentant we are to respond just as the Lord does to our repentance...with nothing but mercy and grace.

Also, if you are on the other side, and you have something to confess to someone let me speak for the one you are not being honest with. First, they probably know that SOMETHING is going on. They may not know exactly what is going on, but if they are close to you at all, they know things are not right. Second, as much as it might hurt initially, they WANT to know. There is such sweet freedom in knowing the truth.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32


Robin Meadows said...

Great words!! I'm so glad to see you've started this!!! YEA!! A new blogging buddy!

Gina said...

I should have read your blog yesterday! Trust is something so hard to come by. My precious wonderful husband trusts me so much to take care of things and I need to not violate that! How did I get so blessed?

BraggFam said...

I love Trust!!!