Thursday, January 10, 2008

Uh...didn't they say they would help???

The Home Depot people? Isn't that what they promise? You can do it. WE can help??? Well, we went and bought their paint and no one in an orange apron came with it! I just need the world to know that I HATE TO PAINT!!! For Christmas one of the things we got the girls was a big box of brand new bathroom decor for their VERY girlie 'Dancing' theme bathroom. The box of course included a gallon of very PINK paint. Well, its 10:46 and the first coat is on with hopefully only one more to go.

We have lived here for a year and a half and have now painted every room in our house except the laundry room and a small bathroom. The sad thing is we aren't done. We still have to paint our baseboards in our living room and hallway where we stained the concrete (Tim got a little sloppy) which we are going to actually end up putting wood floors over. The concrete was an affordable in between step because we couldn't afford to do the wood just yet, but I couldn't stand the carpet anymore.

You see we are the king and queen of, 'It can't be that hard!' Well, it usually is, and we usually end up with an additional project just to clean up our mess. UGH.

Anyway, there is no spiritual analogy here...just me needing to get away from the paint fumes for a little while. I guess I should go back in there and make sure Tim hasn't passed out in the pinkness!

I'll post pictures when its done if I can figure out how.


deleise said...

Christi! Embrace that smell! New paint equals new beginnings. Can't wait to see! I am so bad about that with projects too. "Seriously, honey, it'll take us like 20 minutes to rip off that wallpaper. 30, tops." And 2 weeks later...

deleise said...

hello? I left the e off the end of your name. That's gonna drive me nutty. They need an edit on these things.

Seth, Annelise, Elijah, & Joshua said...

Christie you are so funny!!! Seriously, Jonathan and I don't paint together anymore, we have the biggest arguements that almost = divorce. Painting a room is NOT good for our marriage. He says I am too artsy and messy & I say he is too Obsessive about paint. He can do trim without cutting in...anyways, I've gone on and on about me on your blog! Happy painting!

Jenny-K said...

Oh the fun of remodeling! I personally love it, but let me tell you, I got tired of waiting for somebody else to stick the linoleum tiles down in our kitchen, so I decided to take it on myself (by myself) while my sweetie was at band practice. Let's see, that was about 1 1/2 years ago. Still not done, and now some of them have scooted, so basically it looks like, well, you can imagine. Anyway, I do love to paint, so let me know if you need any help.

Jenny-K said...

Oh yeah, and the only thing they help with is mixing the paint (unless you wanna pay extra). Happy painting!

shanna said...

Oh are such a great mommy to give your girls a girly pink bathroom...and Tim...there is going to be a special place in heaven for that man :)

HomeSchool Mommy said...

I LOVE remodeling!!!! I LOVE CHANGE!!! IF....someone else does the work. So, basically, I just like to think up new ideas and plan...

Charissa said...

And don't fret too much about what's not done---we used to be on the ten year plan---we're now on the 20 year plan! It's always a work-in-progress! (sort of like us, right?)

Can't wait to see the pics!

Robin Meadows said...

oops! My computer was signed in under one of my many adopted was really me!


BraggFam said...

i am so sad i am not there to help. i love to paint. lokking at all these walls here that are white is well driving me crazy. ps what is your new number and email.