Friday, January 25, 2008

This can't be normal...

I need to have a public pity party. Would you mind humoring me for a minute? I have had quite the day...and it is now 8:30am. I can remember a day when I NEVER even saw 8:30AM. Today my day started at 5:30AM. I love starting my day early...but I like to do it ALONE with Jesus. UGH...anyway, all before breakfast I have woke up to a sobbing teething toddler, fed her breakfast, teething tablets, back to bed...time with God, half of a pilates video until the 8 year old wakes up, who enjoys a good pilates workout...and being the dancer she is thinks its cool to critique her mother who is less like Gumby, more like...well, not Gumby. So we turn the video off. The rest of the sweet angels awake and the games begin...including, but not limited to...fighting over the Leapster, getting the book away from the dog, 3 changes of panties for the one with diarrea (sp?), start laundry, argue with children who don't want to do chores...argue with same child who doesn't want to get dressed, answer questions like, 'Is Jesus awake?' and 'Where is my suitcase?' (Is she going somewhere?), and 'How much are pots for plants?' No, you cant do your Webkinz or watch TV. Start laundry, get dressed and brush teeth...take the mascara away from the 3 year old, and the paint and paint brush away from the dog...Could someone find her bone? Make breakfast...clean up breakfast. OH, I need to call our 9AM playdate and warn her about diarrea girl...SIGH. Off to wipe a bottom...break up a fight and say, "NO, you can not paint...go read a book!"

Thanks for listening.


Stef Swindell said...

If only everyone knew just how crazy our lives the government, would they pay us a TON to go through this everyday if they knew??? They should. Not sure why, just think they should :)
And is normal. Atleast in my world. Hence, my crazy blogs.

Seth, Annelise, Elijah, & Joshua said...

Your day sounds just mine!

deleise said...

I hear ya girl. You saw my resignation letter from this week, right? The good news is that I have found it to be a pattern that the day after one of these days is always much better!

shanna said...

This makes me smile. I love our joyful chaos. I never thought about it...but what deleise said is true....I love your girly world!

Jenny-K said...

I love your blogs Christie! You find a way to put into words what I can't. My brain is so jumbled by the time I sit down to blog that it's just blah, blah, blah. I have come to realize that it doesn't have to make since. I feel better when I'm done anyway, that is, until my 4 1/2 year old comes screaming and running into the kitchen because a pirate ship fell on his head...yes, he needed 5 stitches. Ugh!

Jenny-K said...

See what I mean?! I spelled sense wrong.

Natalie Witcher said...

Seems normal to me

HomeSchool Mommy said...

The joys of motherhood...and even more...home education. :)

Jenn said...

LOL!!!! I love it!!! reminds me of home!

Raymond taught me a neat trick when I was working at EMSA. I had to prepare all of the paperwork for billing to make sure we would get paid. I had no clue how to spell that big, nasty "D" word but I needed to use it all the time (for other people!). So, here is the trick
D-I-A R(run)-R(run)-H(hurry)-E-A

so if you can remember DIA (then run, run, hurry) that makes the RRH- end it with EA!

so stupid, but it works!!!