Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is the day the Lord has made, I will be glad and rejoice in it!!!

My second daughter lost her first tooth last night. Here is the thing was only lose for TWO days! She confessed last night to trying to pry apart two waffle blocks with her teeth which obviously sped up the process!!! I never even saw it coming...Im pretty sure I JUST gave her Orajel on her pacifier for cutting the first set, and now she's LOOSING THEM??? UGH. Lesson #803 in SAVORING each moment. I am in the process of shedding every extra ounce of weight that holds me back from floating away in the joy that the Lord has given me in this life. Not that I will not have a burden to carry, but I refuse to let any amount of bondage hold me down. I want to drown myself in nail polish and dollhouse furniture, hairbows and sippy cups, memory verses and crayons...for someday, all to soon, these things will be part of my past...not my present. And there will be a touch of sadness each time I see a baby blanket or a little pink Bible.

Lord, thank you for trusting me with your children. It is a gift and an honor. I pray that you continually remind me to drink in each moment for this season will soon pass me by.


shanna said...

I was just telling Jerome yesterday that I could see the freedom and joy in your life. Your chains are falling off and you are a great encouragement in the very area that you were held bondage in. I am soooooooooooo proud of you. Those girls are so blessed to have you. What a commitment you have made to love and serve them! I am so happy you are my friend!

Robin Meadows said...

You are absolutely right! It goes by so fast. So, enjoy these moments, and know that even better times are coming!!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

Ugh. it does go by SO fast! I look at my daughter, and although I am immensely proud of her and so impressed with the beauty (inside and out) that God has given her, I get a bit sad that she is not a little girl anymore. She's six years old, but just yesterday she was only a toddler, so I know that by next week she's going to be applying for colleges and asking to take the car to her friend's house.

deleise said...

You just made me cry. I am so with you!

Seth, Annelise, Elijah, & Joshua said...

Awwwww! How sweet! Seth keeps asking when is he going to lose his first tooth!

Jenny-K said...


SheriYates said...

what a precious blog. I am so lifted right now - I am going to get the polish!

Stef Swindell said...

Aw she lost it??? She swore it was coming out Friday night at our house lol it was so cute.
I need to savor each momment with my kids too! I missed them so much this week (the middle 2) when they were gone, that today, the things they did before that drove me crazy, are not as bad! I am practicing self control with them :) +pat on the back+